Friday, February 3, 2012

Community work fueled by the Holy Spirit

It's amazing to me to see all that is coming out of what appears to be such a small church here in Sri Lanka. Aside from all the church services that happen on Sundays in various parts of the city and even county that have come from connections with this small church, they also support an organization that the pastor started which ministers to so many people in all different communities.

A few days ago our team had the opportunity to go north. This in itself was a gift. Only three years ago the north was completely war torn as it was the location of the the Tamil Tigers, a rebel group in Sri Lanka. The church saw needs in this area. God gave the pastor vision, and now there are a number of ministries happening. We only got to see a handful of them, if that.

The second day we were in the north we went to breakfast. As we sat eating a sort of pancake-ish thing (not really a pancake considering you eat it with curry....) I listened to a woman describe all the services the organization runs and talk about how they were literally started off faith and are now largely supported by the church we have been working with. I can't even remember all the programs that are happening, I just remember sitting there amazed by the way God is moving through this church and all that is happening in His name because of the people that are willing to walk in faith and watch the Lord provide for the things He's asking them to do.

I was impacted by the programs we did get to see. We first stopped at a girls home. The war ended in 2009 after many many years. It was brutal. There were child soldiers. We walked into the home and were greeted by beautiful young women. Then we were told some of their stories. Able to assemble a weapon or bomb in a matter of seconds. Dared to go into the enemy camp and slit a soldier's throat. Watched family members killed. And on and on. They are beautiful, sweet young women. The program doesn't force the girls to participate in any religious activity, or preach to them, but the workers there love the girls in the name of Jesus. The girls watch as the workers do their devotions. They get prayed for, and are prayed for constantly by the workers. Most of the girls choose to come to Jesus and girls that were once child soldiers are completely transformed and renewed. It was so so awesome to see.

The second place we visited was a vocational training school. The young women at the girls home along with other young people from the community receive vocational training here. They learn IT, sewing, leather work, and I think a few other things. They get to choose which classes they'd like to take and learn the skills and have a chance to practice them as well. It was really neat to go and see a group of students learning leather work to make bags, and hear about how they will then be able to run a shop in town as part of the class to learn all aspects of business.

The third place we visited was a school for children with special needs. There were 8 children in class when we visited. I've been in a number of classrooms for students with special needs in the states. This room had only the basics. Students, workbooks, a few manipulatives, and teachers that really care and really pray. We heard a few students' stories. One boy that was very violent and unpredictable when he came, but now is much better and came and greeted us when we arrived, very inquisitive though non-verbal. One little girls who has very brittle bones and did not walk when she first came. She stood up, walked around, and sang to us while we were there. Another girl we were told had recently left the school because she had been brought up to a level where she could attend the local school.

I was impressed by all that is happening, but I think even more impressed by all that God is doing. The people running these places are mostly pastors. They provide a lot of services, but what I saw was kids and young people that weren't just given good skills or education, they were prayed into transformation. The little girl with brittle bones....I looked around that room and saw nothing that would make it so she could walk. Jesus did it. The young women at the girls home were clearly restored through Jesus and we were told that the judge who makes decisions about homes like these has made comments about how the young women from this home are noticeably different.

For a long time I thought that a good program would change people's lives. I thought that the right kind of community work could do it. Here I got to see a beautiful picture of programs empowered by the Holy Spirit. Transformation like I haven't heard of before takes place there. Being there, seeing the humble means that they have to work with, but the significant changes that are happening in people's lives, points directly to the power of Jesus.


  1. Thank you for sharing your expereinces through your blog. Your comments are insightful and inspiring and the church in the States needs to hear them. Keep followng where God leads you, be blessed and be a blessing. John.

  2. Thank you so much John! God has been so gracious to me, can't help but tell of what He's teaching :)
