Sunday, October 11, 2009

Today I played the piano for the first time in somewhere near seven years. Not sure how I got talked into it, but a few of my friends here want to play some worship stuff and when it was mentioned that I used to play the piano, I was then designated. So today one of the guys thought we should start practicing, handed me some sheet music and was like, alright let's go, so not only did I play the piano for the first time in a long time, but I was trying to sight read the music and play along with my friend as he played the drums or guitar. I must say, I was thankful for his gracious spirit because I'm going to really need some practice, but he didn't make me feel like a fool as I tried to keep up. Actually, lately I've been finding that my music background may be put to use here. I love to sing, although usually just for myself, or as one of many voices in a choir, but people here know I love to sing and I've been asked more than once to help with worship. Not sure what to do with it. I used to really want to do that kind of thing, but there was always someone better who could do it instead, and now I'm not so sure it's something I really want to do, but on the other hand there seems to be a need and I don't not want to do it. I don't know, it's just been odd the way music keeps coming up.

Tomorrow we have a day off for a holiday and I'm looking forward to it. I'm not sure how it is possible that I feel like there is a lot to do for school when I have so few students, but I find that I'm still very busy with making sure I have things ready for class. Last week we had an unexpected holiday because there was a typhoon. It turned out that our area wasn't hit very hard, and the typhoon had pretty much passed by 11:30, but school was canceled and we had the day free. It turned out to be a beautiful day, quite warm and sunny, and after taking some time to just relax and read I decided a bike ride would be nice in the warm weather. So I got a friend to come along and we went on a nice long bike ride by the river. It was really pretty and just what I needed. Sometimes I just need to get away from things and be in God's creation on a bike with the breeze blowing past. It was a lovely release and left me feeling quite peaceful and exhausted.

I also had a Japanese cultural experience this week when I decided to hit the Onsen with one of my housemates, Erin. The Onsen is a hot spring and the Japanese go to bath and sit in the hot spring. The men and women are separate and you go in the nude. Turned out it was quite nice, very relaxing and creates a nice time to just chat. Much like a hot tub without the bathing suit. I really don't know why American's seem to have such a fear of nakedness. The ladies at the Onsen seemed to just come to relax and talk with their friends or family. Anyway that was my cultural experience of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having some great experiences! Wish I was there.
