Thursday, July 10, 2014

All You Need is Love

My life, primarily in my brain, goes through this cycle. Simplicity, a little less simple, complicated, frustrating, back to simplicity. I have come to realize that one of my core convictions is simplicity. I believe that life with God is simple. I also believe that God is far beyond what my brain can comprehend, his power is greater than anything I can fathom, his knowledge is far beyond anything my human brain could ever withstand, and life with Him is often beyond words. I do not believe life with God is easy, but I do believe it is simple.

God made my brain. He made me human. He made following Him something that would work with all those considerations. I like to overestimate my ability to comprehend with my human brain and then I end up in a whirlwind of assumption and question, but really God made things quite simple.

All you need is love. God is love. I need God. God loves me. I am saved. God loves others, when I love others I'm loving God. So simple it makes my head spin.

This morning I was reading in Hebrews 6 and I got stuck in two verses where I just couldn't get over the simplicity. Follow my train of thought for a minute. "Our great desire is that you will keep on loving others as long as life lasts, in order to make certain that what you hope for will come true. Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God's promises because of their faith and endurance."

Love is the end-all. It all started with God's love for me. That's why Jesus came. Now God says we are to love Him and love others and if we do that we will fulfill the law, or basically, we will live the life God desires for us. So these verses...

How do I know that my hope is not in vain? "Keep on loving order to make certin that what you hope for will come true."
I fear becoming spiritually dull or living a mediocre life. "Keep on loving others...Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent."
I want to imitate those who have faith and patience and inherit God's promises, but how do I get from here to there? "Keep on loving will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God's promises because of their faith and endurance."

So let's review. Loving others => hope fulfilled, being spiritually alive, living with faith and endurance, seeing God's promises fulfilled.

It's so simple! Love people. You want to follow God, you want to live the life He has for you which by the way is filled with hope and is for your good (Jer 29:11), then LOVE PEOPLE. That's it. Love God and love people. Simple, so so simple.

And one last note. There is the danger of complicating love. What is love really? How do we really love people? What does it really look like? etc. etc. etc. But I would bet that loving is far more simple than we'd like to believe. Let's try not to over complicate it.

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