Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Lord is Good!

I’ve been smiling all week because of God’s faithfulness and love in His healing. Tonight I began to realize an even deeper level of that. I was sitting at dinner with some friends and a couple of them hadn’t heard much about what had happened so they were asking about it and as I began to recall what had happened on Tuesday during prayer, some of the others who had been there were telling parts of the story. My friend Diego mentioned how I had said that I wanted to be prayed for for healing because I was ready and had the faith to receive it, and I stopped him to correct him. I told him that wasn’t how it happened. I tried to explain my thought process and how I didn’t feel like I did have enough faith so I intentionally didn’t say that because I knew once we prayed for my healing I had to have faith to walk in that healing or I’d be calling God a liar considering I felt that He’d been revealing to me in His word that his will is healing. Diego wouldn’t hear it, he kept saying that that wasn’t what I said, that he was certain what he heard was me say that I had faith to be healed. We finally arrived at the recognition that, indeed, that is what he heard, but that was not what I said.

Diego was so certain, and heard me so clearly, that his thoughts were filled with excitement as he’d been one of a small group of people waiting for me to be ready to receive healing. His immediate response to me Tuesday was “finally” followed by prayer declaring healing over my body. I am convinced that the Holy Spirit spoke to him, having him hear something different from what I said, knowing that just as Diego heard me say I had enough faith, that really The Holy Spirit knew I did, but the cool thing was that for those who heard me say what I’d actually said, they were praying for my faith to increase, so any lack I had was being filled. The Lord knew I needed that extra shove into a walk of faith. He knew that my friends wouldn’t pray as boldly had they believed I didn’t yet have the faith to receive healing. The Holy Spirit allowed me to have that extra shove into a walk of faith, friends boldly praying over me for healing, and friends praying for increased faith all at the same time. It was the combination I needed to receive the healing that Jesus was offering. I continue to be in awe of God’s love for me. He loves me, oh how He loves me!

“In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I will request of the Father on your behalf; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father.” John 16:26-27 (NASB)

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