Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm sitting in one of my favorite study/relax places right now have a cup of coffee. The last three weeks have been crazy trying to get everything done. I'm thankful for the work that God's been provided (sub jobs aren't so easy to come by anymore), but between working everyday, moving out of my house of two years, taking a condensed summer class, and trying to fit in as much time as possible with my friends here before I go, I'm exhausted. God has been so very good to me though. I decided that people would be on the top of the priorities and so sleep has taken a major hit....averaging around 4-5 hours :(. I'm not sick, and I'm getting A's on papers that I found myself with my eyes close mid sentence as I was writing them, or I realized that I'd left part out after I wrote it and just threw in a couple sentences on that part here and there. I'm telling you they were not A quality...I'm a teacher, I know...but I've got the grace of God resting on me right now. I even got pulled over for text messaging this week (I was in a neighborhood...not on the main road...I wasn't been that rebellious), but the officer let me off even though when he asked me if I had justification I just shrugged and, yeah, nope... God is so good to me.

In the midst of the craziness, I'm saying goodbyes and realizing how blessed I am to have such wonderful supportive people in my life. I will miss my friends here so much, but am grateful that they are sending me off with excitement for my new adventure, and will welcome me back when I return. The last two weeks I've had the blessing of living with my dear friend Meg, and it has been so good to spend some time with her before I leave.

On Saturday I head back to the great Northwest to spend some time with my family before I go. It's hard saying goodbye to this place that has become home for the last five years, but I'm so confident that God's taking me to Japan. I will have about a month and a half to prepare to leave for the next year. Right now I'm still waiting on my visa to come through, but I'm starting to get excited for the adventure. A couple weeks ago I found out that I will be teaching Language Arts for the sixth grade and high school students at Grace, and I'm really excited for that. I also discovered that I have about three contacts not too far from where I'll be. A high school friend is teaching not far from Tokyo, a college friend is moving back to Tokyo, and Shota, my Japanese exchange brother is in the area. God's already provided people for me.

Keep me in your prayers as I say my goodbyes and prepare for a year in a place I've never been. It'd also be great if my visa would go through so I could get my plane ticket.

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