Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My planned departure date for Japan is in less than three weeks! I can't believe how quickly time has passed. Unfortunately my visa has not gone through yet so I'm still waiting on buying my plane ticket. Please pray that my visa comes very soon. I'm not really worried about it because I trust that if the Lord want me in Japan he will provide the visa, but it would be nice to have things a little more concrete.

I said my California good-byes about a month and a half ago. I find myself thinking of my friends there quite often, wishing they were closer to just hang out with. I certainly haven't lacked things to keep my busy while I'm in Oregon though. In addition to trying to see a few old friends while I'm here and spend a bit of time with my family, I have also spent time with some old neighbor kids that are my adopted niece and nephews. My parents had them visit from Colorado for a little over two weeks which was a lot of fun playing with them, but a ton of work. My dear Auntie Onnie has also occupied my families attention as she went through surgery and had a lot of complications landing her in ICU, a general post op hospital floor, and now a rehab center. It was hard seeing her so very sick for so long because she's such a spunky person but she's doing much better and has a great attitude in the midst of it all. It's been a blessing being able to be here to support her an my family in all that has gone on.

A couple weeks ago I went to counsel at Royal Family Kids Camp, a camp for foster kids, and as always it was a highlight of my time in Oregon. I've had the same camper for five years now and each year she lets me in just a little more. It's so hard to see so many kids that have so much brokenness, but amazing to see God's faithfulness amongst it. I found myself leaving with a feeling of hope in a seemingly hopeless situation.

The lastest has been a visit from my Auntie Daria from OH, finishing an online class, and spending a few days at my favorite beach. Auntie Dar always adds a spark to our family, and the beach always refreshes me. It's been a long time since I've just sat and read for pleasure, and spent hours just walking on the beach contemplating all that's gone on and talking to God. I needed it. One book that I'm currently reading was written by a guy in 1991 who went to teach in Japan. It's really fascinating, but also a bit overwhelming. I almost feel like I'd rather go to Japan blind, and without much knowledge of the cultural differences. I know that when I'm faced with the challenges of a new culture I will learn how to deal with them and be just fine, but anticipating them is a bit stressful. I'm trying to just read the book for it's enjoyment and let whatever sinks in about Japan, sink in. I've traveled all over Western Europe, a bit in Russia, and a bit in Israel, but I'm begining to realize that while the knowledge I have about being flexible and adjusting will do me well, this is a culture that is quite different from any that I've experienced. There are so many social norms that are totally different form what I'm used to.

I can say that I'm excited for the adventure. For a while I've been feeling the need to do something totally outside my comfort zone and I do believe this will satisfy that need.